Monday, September 22, 2008


The words that you can't read are 9 pounds 7 1/2 ounces and 21 1/2 inches! Just minor details right?!

My Sweet Baby Girl

I can't believe how big Elizabeth is already! She had her one month doctors appointment last week. She weighed in at 9 pounds 7 1/2 ounces, and was 21 1/2 inches long. She is a perfectly healthy little girl and growing every day!

She has mastered the infamous "O" mouth, as she has become very aware of her surroundings and recognizing more and more voices. She has started trying to make more noises, and is working on talking to us! She has been working on smiling more and more, maja and faja brought her a piglet beanie baby back from Disney World that helps to get her to smile. When I touch her face with it sometimes I can get a huge smile out of her! I can't wait for her to start laughing :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9/11

I have to admit a spend way to much time in front of the TV these days, but what else do you do when all you do is change diapers and nurse? Today the news has been all about the events of this day seven years ago, seeing the images of the planes crashing into the twin towers again caused me to reflect on where I was and what I was doing seven years ago.

I remember that I was just getting out of seminary and turned the radio on in my car after the first plane hit and I really didn't understand what was going on. I was a junior in high school and didn't have a first hour so I got home and the TV was on, like so many others I watched the second plane hit the second tower. Again I don't think anyone thought it was real! We all watched our lives change that day, but none more than those who lost loved ones and those who would then serve to protect each one of us! I can hardly believe it has been seven years since these events occured, toady I have taken time to reflect on how blessed I am to be an AMERICAN and have so much to be happy about in life even if I might think it's hard right now, I can do it with a smile on my face! My hat goes off to the leaders of our country and those that serve to protect it, THANK YOU! We will contiune to move forward and make this world a better place.

Bath Time

Well, its taken me a month to post pictures of Elizabeth getting her first bath, I swear she has had more that one bath in the month that she's been here! :) She has been having trouble going poop for the past few weeks, but when she does go boy does she go, we're talking all over her and all over mom! So needless to say a bath has become an almost daily thing, at least every other day. I have to count my blessings as she does love the bath, I'm not sure what I would do if she hated it, since we have to do it often.

Just Chillin!

Washing the poop out of her hair!

She hates it when its over, mostly because she's cold. I've become quite fast at lotioning and dressing after the bath, if she only cries for the two minutes that takes I'd say it's been a success, with my liitle girl pretty in pink!

Isn't she adorable?!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Anyone who knows me, knows that one of my fetishes is a shoe fetish! I myself have way too many shoes, far more than I ever wear. So when it was time to go shopping for Elizabeth of course I had to get her shoes, she already has five pairs of shoes, not counting the ones that don't fit her yet of Kaylies! When it was time to get dressed, Maja found shoes that actually fit her that went perfect with her outfit! They are just too cute :)