Thursday, August 28, 2008

Our First Outting

Wow I never thought it would be this hard to have a baby! I realized I havent't posted in two weeks, and am falling behind. I haven't had much to blog about, I guess I've had a lack of adventures. I did venture out by myself with Elizabeth on Tuesday. We went over to majas house and then we went to see Oma, she hadn't seen Elizabeth since she was in the hospital. She sure was excited to see her!

Then my mom and I took Elizabeth to see a friend from church who is in the hospital. When we got there we learned that she was quickly going down hill and had been given only a few days to live. My mom held the baby close to her and let her feel Elizabeth and told Sister Oney that Elizabeth had just come from where she was going and says "it's all good there"! It was quite emotional for me to see Elizabeth who has just come from being with Heavenly Father and still so close to him and then Sister Oney somewhat afraid to return to Him, yet still wanting to go. What an amazing plan for all of us to get to be a part of! She had been waiting to see Elizabeth, I'm so glad we went to see her.

I proved to myself that I can go and do things and don't have to sit at home and stare at each other all day - it's very boring!

1 comment:

Annette said...

VERY Boring go out and conquer the world! or atleast Milliken!Ha ha ha so when is going to come see me. She misses me I know she does =) wink