Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Just one of Those Days

I knew I was in for a rough day when Elizabeth woke up at 2am and couldn't breathe! She was finally able to go back to sleep at 4:30am and actually slept until 8:30. Not bad right?! She woke up not a happy camper, Elizabeth isn't a fussy baby so when she is I know something is wrong, she has had a constant runny nose since about 10pm last night. I didn't think much of it because I was pretty sure she is getting her bottom front teeth. However when it's keeping her awake and nothing makes her happy I began to doubt myself, then I spent the majority of the day at home with the tv on and watched way too much news on the SwineFlu freaking myself out, I know she doesn't have that! But it's so hard not knowing exactly what is bothering her and how to help!
Mike was supposed to go to the Nuggets game tonight but he being the wonderful husband that he is didn't want to leave me under these circumstances. Hopefully they win tonight and maybe he'll have the chance in the second round!

Hopefully tomorrow will be better :0)

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