Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9/11

I have to admit a spend way to much time in front of the TV these days, but what else do you do when all you do is change diapers and nurse? Today the news has been all about the events of this day seven years ago, seeing the images of the planes crashing into the twin towers again caused me to reflect on where I was and what I was doing seven years ago.

I remember that I was just getting out of seminary and turned the radio on in my car after the first plane hit and I really didn't understand what was going on. I was a junior in high school and didn't have a first hour so I got home and the TV was on, like so many others I watched the second plane hit the second tower. Again I don't think anyone thought it was real! We all watched our lives change that day, but none more than those who lost loved ones and those who would then serve to protect each one of us! I can hardly believe it has been seven years since these events occured, toady I have taken time to reflect on how blessed I am to be an AMERICAN and have so much to be happy about in life even if I might think it's hard right now, I can do it with a smile on my face! My hat goes off to the leaders of our country and those that serve to protect it, THANK YOU! We will contiune to move forward and make this world a better place.

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